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The Invisible String

By Patrice Karst

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A great story explaining how love reaches beyond what we can see. That even when we are far away from eachother or angry at eachother we are still connected by love so we are never alone ?
The invisible string book was great and awesome. I liked the red submarine, rock climbing, astronaut and explorer pages.
Teaches a nice lesson that you are never alone
I remember this book when I was in Kindergarten and my Mum would read it to me so I wouldn't be sad when I went. I forget that there were twins int he book in it made me feel excited because my Mum is having twins and I can read this to them when they are a bit older. I like this book because I think the invisible string is real. I always know that I am close to my Mum no matter where I really am in the world because we love each other so much. Show more Show less
I would recommend this book for people with a creative mind because the illustrator has drawn really funny pictures, and people with a good sense of humour because there is lots of funny parts. from Sophia Gigliotti Show more Show less